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Working Towards a Brighter Future Bringing hope to the world

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Who We Are.
Bringing hope to the world 
Hope Is Where the Heart Is


Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. From the moment we started our work in 2016, we understood that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch HELPING VOICE CENTER (HVC). We strive to make a positive change in all of our pursuits.

At HELPING VOICE CENTER (HVC) , wellbeing is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our programs and activities are designed to be a catalyst that helps community members reach their goals and fulfill their potential. Learn more about the impact we have and join us in bringing about positive change


     Ways We Help

                                                The Focus of Our Efforts

HELPING VOICE CENTER (HVC) is achieving more with our initiatives than ever before. We work on many exciting projects to help improve the lives of others, and are very proud of the progress we continue to make. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to promote positive change.


General, T.B, Gynecological, Leprosy, eye hospitals, medical camps for polio, and vaginal cancer detection camps for Rural and Urban women, mo­bile clinics for Tribal, Un-reached people group’s adoption of Urban and slums for medical Treatment. Nutrition through milk distribution and day care centers for Orphans, widows, ages people, Bore wells for healthy, multipurpose water. Spe­cial care for mentally retarded children, provide medicines to poor and needy people of slum and down trodden areas through health care centers, conduct medical aware­ness camps on Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, seasonal diseases for slum areas, villages, towns and un-reached places and provide medicines through good health centers; and take special care for HIV /AIDS, patients and their children, provide free medi­cal special checkup, and medicines, medical strips, needles, First AID kits, to the needy and poor people of slum and down trodden areas o f Andhra Pradesh and throughout INDIA. Conduct the diabetic prevention and control camps to the poor diabetic patients and take special care for poor diabetic patients through diet care centers; conduct Film ministry programs and documentary Film shows, public meet­ings on diabetic (Silent Killer) and HIV/AIDS diseases through grass root level voluntary organizations, Mahila mandals, youth clubs, and YMCA &. YWCA etc.

And Non-tribal area people. to protect and follows the Indian medical system and create awareness among the rural, urban and Tribal community people on "Allopathic, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Bio-diesel plantation, and meditation centers, unani and sidda and yoga etc. and to establish Ayurvedic, Naturopathy, paramedical, pharmaceutical and medical colleges and companies to wards to make gold INDIA in the world through this service oriented Organization.

2.Education :

Provide school education for crippled children, orphan and semi-orphan and Tribal un reached people groups and slum and down trodden

areas children. Conduct vocational training programs, job oriented training programs, start self help centers for slum and down trodden people burning Lives. Establish Adult and Non-Formal educational centers: integrated education for polio and blind children. Conduct adult Literacy programs in National level to Literate the people with partnership of NG0' S. to provide rehabilitation centers medical, legal and financial support for the destitute and divorced women and women prisoners etc. To protect Animals and its advantages, through the different cultural programs and media, especially among the tribal community people. To open and run develop hostels, orphanages, Love & care homes for aged, widows, un-wed mothers, children of prisoners in jails. Provide education support and finance assistance to orphans, child prisoners and professional students. Special care for mentally retarded and deaf and Dum children through love& care. Establish RED, DED colleges, industrial training institutions (ITT), Vocational training centers, Nursing colleges (B -Nursing, ANM) DMLT & M.L.T and B. Pharmacy, M. pharmacy, Veterinary, High schools, Elementary schools, Degree colleges, junior colleges, and collages of Ag BSC: and self help centers (SHC) for un-reached groups and un-known crowds. And conduct special training programs for Fishermen community people, un-wed mothers to live happy life in the society. start Libraries, book stalls, mineral water plantations, mobile share for Leprosy patients and T.B patients, To start coaching centers for giving training in Tailoring, Embroidery, Lace Works, cane works Carpet weaving, coir works, printing on sarees and clothes Kalankari centers, Leaf plates, making match boxes, agarbathis cottage and village industries works and printing press to print books for students &. office purpose and start self help groups (SHG) for women and men to strengthen their lives and protect from money and landlords in the society.

3.Child care :

Special care for Railway platform children, street children, children of Un-wed mothers, slum and down trodden areas children, blind and Cancer children Child prisoners under nourished infants, AIDS affected children House workers, street beggars, female child "Feticide", Bondage children, abused children and fight against child marriages and Dowries, and provide good shelter, clothing and feeding and protection to' all the above said children with help of local donors support and Philanthropists.

4.Mother care :

Home for the aged, New life centers for un-wed mothers, Self help centers for widows, good hope centers for adolescent mothers, care and share homes for Sexually exploited young girls and abused children, care and deed missions for Tribal neglected people and children, Loving call homes for hungered children and hill and Gipsy people and eliminated groups, daunted and agonized people in the society, care and deed homes for children under bondage and mothers.

5.Devotional activities

*To establish devotional centers and its branches. Throughout India to Prepare manifested transformed Lives of The people.

*To teach the moral values of all the religions.

*To introduce media ministry Programs, out-reach Programs, to un-known crowds.

*To Construct and run colleges, technical centers, libraries and hostels for students and staff.

*To conduct Prayers Services and all festival celebrations, workshops, youth meetings lay leaders conferences, women meetings.

*To conduct Summer Camps Empowerment for children, youth camps, youth leadership training workshops and adult education centers to train illiterate to literate.

*To provide religions literature, the Bio-grapy and autography of great saints and to stand as true witness for a lively leading.

*Conducts value Education and meetings administration of the place of worship, and protect the properties and constructions of the same.

*To train young men and women for development activities and its meetings.

*Conduct literature distribution on wheels to un-reached millions

*Construct place of worship for prayers. To save our People and Nation

*Preach the moral values for prisoners and un-reached groups of India from darkness to light.

6 Emergency Relief :

Help to the victims of Fire, Floods, and Famine at exhibitions, and Pushkaras by this time providing Food, Clothing and Shelter to these victims with the help of Local donors. And finance help to RITUALS of the poor and needy.

7.Community services :

All without caste, colour, creed, especially the VULNERABLE communities like Tribal, Slum dwellers, rural men and women, Lambadi's, fishermen community people, aged and widows, suffering people with chronicle diseases and crying crowds who are on the Roads without any Destination in their burning Lives. To protect Human rights, Fundamental rights, principles, sexual harassments on girl child, Juvenile rights protection, Legal supports to the needy people, to protect SC, ST'S communities and create awareness about the Indian constitution. To provide Rehabilitation centers, medical Legal and financial support to the destitute women, widows, ill-fated women, divorce-woman, women prisoners etc. To protect ANIMALS and create great propaganda, mass awareness on SHAKAHARA (vegetarian) and its advantages, through the different cultural program and media especially among the tribal community. To collect donations like cash, kind and vehicles from the helping hands to do more services for the welfare of the poor people. To apply for FORA, 80G, 35 (1&2), CBDT for income tax Exception to get the abroad and local funds to fulfil the AIMS and OBJECTIVES of the society.

Transplanting Succulents

Economic Development

Making Change Possible

Capacity Building

Empowering Others


Transforming Lives

In the News

Want more details about what we do? Scroll below to find stories and the latest updates about how our work is helping make an impact. We invite you to learn more about our efforts and help spread the word about our important cause.

Yellow Flower

How Volunteering in Vijayawad Can Make a World of Difference

Pouring Sand

HELPING VOICE CENTER (HVC): Dedication and Service with Proven Impact

Big Hug

Local Non-Profit Makes a Splash with Summer Fundraiser

October 9, 2025

December 12, 2025

August 9, 2025


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